What's on

Weekly timetable

This is our timetable of what’s on weekly at the community centre – we aim to keep this as up-to-date as possible, but things do sometimes change. If you have questions about anything on this timetable, feel free to get in touch – some listings have contact details included, or you can contact us. If you want to hear about other exciting things happening at the centre, you can sign up to our newsletter below.

10:30am – 12:30pm

Justice of the Peace

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Come and see a friendly local JP to get your documents certified and more. FREE. Available every weekday from 10:30am - 12:30pm. *** Last day for 2024: 17/12/24. First day for 2025: 16/01/25 ***
6pm – 7pm

Koha Yoga

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Yoga for everybody. All welcome. Mats and blocks available. Koha/donation. *** Last Day For 2024: 16/12/24. First Day For 2025: 20/01/25. ***
6:30pm – 8:30pm

NZFMA karate

Newtown Hall, 71 Daniell St
Your friendly local karate club. Beginners welcome. More info email: ric.burrows@gmail.com *** Last Day For 2024: 16/12/24. First Day For 2025: 27/01/25. ***
10:00am – 11:15am

Relaxed/Baby-Friendly Yoga

Newtown Community Centre, corner of Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Yoga for all ages and stages - with a relaxed vibe. Parents with babies welcome. Expect some noise and interruptions! Koha/Donation. *** Last Day For 2024: 17/12/24. First Day For 2025: 21/01/24. ***
10:00am – 11:30am

Tai Chi - advanced

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Improve your fitness and balance, for those with some tai chi experience. (If you are new to tai chi, we recommend you start with the Friday class.) Recommended donation $5. *** Last Day For 2024: 17/12/24. First Day For 2025: 21/01/25. ***
10:30am – 12:30pm

Justice of the Peace

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Come and see a friendly local JP to get your documents certified and more. FREE. Available every weekday from 10:30am - 12:30pm. *** Last day for 2024: 17/12/24. First day for 2025: 16/01/25 ***
12pm – 1pm

Steady As You Go

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Classes designed to help Seniors maintain and build strength and flexibility. Contact Age Concern for more details: www.acwellington.org/nz / (04) 499 6646. $3/class *** Last Day For 2024: 17/12/24. First Day For 2025: 21/01/25. ***

Ko Au Tēnei

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Part of a free Te Ao Māori programme, open to everyone! Rongoā Māori, Māra kai, Korowai, Whakapapa, Raranga and more. Facilitated by Te Waka Whaiora. For more information and to register, please contact Stan Hune, 0226574498 stan@tww.org.nz
6:30pm - 7:30pm

Learn to Lindy Hop

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Lindy Hop is a Black American social partnered dance. Learn the foundational rhythms, shapes, and lead/follow concepts to get you swingin out on the dance floor! Or if you already swing dance, it s a great chance to practice your fundamentals. Check out www.sugarfootstomp.co.nz/classes for details, prices, and registration. *** Last Day For 2024: 19/11/24. First Day For 2025: 21/01/25. ***
7:30pm – 9:30pm

Toastmasters - fortnightly

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Toastmasters is an opportunity to help members develop their Public Speaking and Leadership skills in a friendly and supportive environment. Meetings are free to attend as a visitor. Check out www.newtown.toastmastersclubs.org *** Last Day For 2024: 26/11/24. First Day For 2025: 28/01/25. ***
7:45pm - 8:45pm

Level Up your Lindy

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Ready for the next step? Take a deeper dive into connections, rhythms, and concepts to really make your partnered Lindy Hop dance shine! Check out www.sugarfootstomp.co.nz/classes for details, prices, and registration. *** Last Day For 2024: 19/11/24. First Day For 2025: 21/01/25. ***
10:00am - 11:00am

Koha Yoga

Newtown Community Centre - Whare Tapere / Theatre
Yoga for everybody! Koha/donation. Blocks/Mats provided. *** First Day For 2025: 12/02/25 ***
10:30am – 12:30pm

Justice of the Peace

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Come and see a friendly local JP to get your documents certified and more. FREE. Available every weekday from 10:30am - 12:30pm. *** Last day for 2024: 17/12/24. First day for 2025: 16/01/25 ***
11am - 12pm

Community Law Clinic - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays only

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Free confidential legal advice with a rōia / lawyer from Community Law. No appointment necessary. First and third Wednesday of the month ONLY. *** Last Day For 2024: 04/12/24. First day for 2025: 12/02/25. ***
5pm – 7pm

Newtown Tool Library

9 Constable Street, next to the Newtown Library
Drop into the new Newtown Tool Library to join up, borrow or return tools. For more info visit their website www.newtown-tool-library.com or contact them here: newtown.tool.library@gmail.com *** Last day for 2024: 18/12/24. First day for 2025: 18/01/24. ***
5:30pm – 6:30pm

Narcotics Anonymous

Newtown Hall, 71 Daniell St
The twelve steps are at the core of the NA program; these steps are a set of concepts outlining a practical approach to recovery. Call 0800 NA TODAY (0800 628 632) for more information.

Balfolk Dance - 6 week blocks

Newtown Community Centre - corner Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Balfolk run 6-week class blocks - contact them to see if classes are happening at the moment: wellingtonbalfolk@gmail.com. A social dance event that brings people of all ages and walks of life together through group and partner dances to have fun and connect. It's a friendly, social and energising space. Find out more at www.balfolk.co.nz/wellington *** First day for 2025: 12/02/25. ***
7pm - 8pm

Koha Yoga with Kevin

Newtown Hall, 71 Daniell St
A gentle yoga class focusing on breathing and relaxing for mid-week relaxation and healthy sleep. Feel free to request from your teacher anything that you want, and it will be built into the class. All levels welcome. Hatha yoga, mats provided. Any questions? Contact the Koha Yoga Newtown Facebook page: www.facebook.com/kohayoganewtown *** Last day for 2024: 04/12/24. First day for 2025: 12/02/25. ***
7pm - 8pm

Lucine Sounds Sound Baths - monthly

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
The first Wednesday of every month join Lucine Sounds for a Sound Bathing session. A relaxing and revitalising Sound Bathing community series that facilitates emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. Prices are $10.00 unwaged/$25.00 waged (cash or bank transfer). Yoga mats provided, but feel free to bring a pillow, eye mask and a blanket for comfort. For more info contact Lucine Sounds on Facebook or email Lucinesounds@gmail.com . *** First day for 2025: 02/04/25. ***
7:30pm - 9:30pm

Contact Dance Jams

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Contact improv/dance. We start with some skill exercises then move into a jam. Please arrive on time, particularly if it's your first time. All welcome! Cost is $10 (or what you can afford). *** First day for 2025: 12/02/25 ***
10:00am – 11:30am


Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Yoga for all ages and stages. Koha/Donation *** Last day for 2024: 12/12/24. First day for 2025: 23/01/25. ***
10:30am – 12:30pm

Justice of the Peace

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Come and see a friendly local JP to get your documents certified and more. FREE. Available every weekday from 10:30am - 12:30pm. *** Last day for 2024: 17/12/24. First day for 2025: 16/01/25 ***
10:30am – 12:00pm

Free Social Drama for ages 65+

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
A fun group using storytelling and drama to keep the mind active and creative! Sessions are full of play, laughter, and connection. Experience the games and exercises of improvisation theatre. Step gently out of your comfort zone and stimulate the mind, the voice, and the body. For more info, contact Austin on 022 011 7217 or email austinharrisontheatre@gmail.com (Programme does not run in school holidays.) *** First day for 2025: 16/01/25. ***

Timebank Orientation - monthly

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Monthly - contact us to check the next date! Come and learn more about this alternative economy/community and sign up. Contact: info@wellingtontimebank.org.nz or find out more www.wellingtontimebank.org.nz/join-us
1:05pm - 2:55pm

Ko Au Tēnei

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Part of a free Te Ao Māori programme, open to everyone! Rongoā Māori, Māra kai, Korowai, Whakapapa, Raranga and more. Facilitated by Te Waka Whaiora. For more information and to register, please contact Stan Hune, 0226574498 stan@tww.org.nz
3:25pm – 4:20pm

Spotlight Performing Arts students aged 4-6 years

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Our goal is for students to learn to sing, dance and act. Through our classes they will build their confidence, make new friends, and above all, have fun! Price: $150 per term. www.spotlightperformingarts.co.nz *** First day for 2025: 13/02/25. ***
3:45pm – 5:30pm

Spotlight Performing Arts students aged 7-15 years

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Our goal is for students to learn to sing, dance and act. Through our classes they will build their confidence, make new friends, and above all, have fun! Price: $250 per term. www.spotlightperformingarts.co.nz *** First day for 2025: 13/02/25. ***
6pm - 7pm

Koha Yoga Thursday - Hatha with Hari

Newtown Hall, 71 Daniell St
Hatha yoga with Hari – all levels, beginners welcome, bring a mat / blocks if you like - some provided! *** First day for 2025: 16/01/25. ***
7:30pm – 8:30pm

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Obsessed with food? In Addictive Eaters Anonymous, members have found recovery from binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, other forms of addictive eating & compulsive exercise. For more info visit: www.addictiveeatersanonymous.org or email aeawellington@gmail.com
10:00am – 11:30pm

Tai Chi for Beginners

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Learn the basic forms of tai chi. Recommended donation $5. *** First day of 2025: 17/01/25. ***
10:30am – 12:30pm

Justice of the Peace

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Come and see a friendly local JP to get your documents certified and more. FREE. Available every weekday from 10:30am - 12:30pm. *** Last day for 2024: 17/12/24. First day for 2025: 16/01/25 ***
12:30pm - 2:30pm

Tū Ora immunisation clinic - Fortnightly

Newtown Community Centre - corner of Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Every fortnight the Tū Ora team is here to help our community to get protected with the latest immunisations. They offer a comprehensive schedule of government-funded immunisations and vaccinations, including essential protection against COVID-19, flu, measles, tetanus, and shingles. Check the Facebook event here for dates and more details: bit.ly/newtownclinic2025 *** First day for 2025: 31/01/25. ***
1pm – 2pm

Free Soup Friday

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Come get to know your community over a bowl of FREE hot soup (vegetarian/vegan available). All welcome. *** First day for 2025: 17/01/25. ***
7:30pm – 9:30pm

Airhorn! First Friday of the Month

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
First Friday of the month only. The hottest, coolest, happiest, wildest comedy show in Newtown, bringing you an hour of near-dangerous levels of hilarity and laughter so hard it could dent a car! For more info visit: airhorn.nz *** First day for 2025: 07/02/25. ***

Know Your Stuff NZ - monthly

Newtown Community Centre, Cnr Colombo & Rintoul Streets
Monthly on the first Saturday. Free, legal and confidential drug checking services and harm reduction advice. Check it B4 you neck it! No cops, no names, no judgement. Just information. *** First Day for 2025: 01/02/25. ***
11am – 1pm

Newtown Tool Library

9 Constable Street, next to the Newtown Library
Drop into the new Newtown Tool Library to join up, borrow or return tools. For more info visit their website www.newtown-tool-library.com or contact them here: newtown.tool.library@gmail.com *** First day for 2025: 18/01/24. ***
1pm - 3pm

Death Cafe - monthly

Newtown Community Centre - Harakeke
Monthly on the second Saturday only! At a Death Café people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. Death Café is not a grief support group. This is a place to discuss death without expectations. Contact info@newtowncommunity.org.nz for more information. *** First day for 2025: TBC - currently on hold ***

Philosophy Club - monthy

Newtown Community Centre - Harakeke
On the second Saturday of the month. Meetups fostering community, empathy and connection. Snacks provided and no prior knowledge of philosophy necessary. *** First day for 2025: 08/03/25. ***
2pm - 5pm

Astrology meetup - Monthly

Newtown Community Centre - Harakeke Room - Corner Rintoul/Colombo
On the last Sunday of every month. A gathering for Astrologers, Enthusiasts and the Astro Curious - All Welcome. There will be a different presentation each month - $20 entry. Contact erikaegrant@gmail.com for more info. *** First day back for 2025: 23/02/25. ***
6pm – 9pm

Rainbow Dragon Club - fortnightly

Newtown Community Centre - Harakeke
Fortnightly only. A board game and tabletop game club for the LGBTQ+ community and women. Find more information and dates at: www.facebook.com/groups/743347600064093 *** First day for 2025: 19/01/25. ***

Gong Bathing with Erika - 3rd Sunday of every month

Newtown Community Centre - Whare Kani Kani (Dancehall)- Corner Rintoul/Colombo
Discover the transformative effects of sound therapy with this 1-hr gong bath experience. During this session, participants will be surrounded by the resonant vibrations of gongs, carefully designed to induce deep states of relaxation and calm. Tickets $20 and for more information contact erikaegrant@gmail.com . *** First day for 2025: 19/01/25. ***

Newtown News

The Newtown News is our monthly zine, by Newtowners for Newtown. You can grab a physical copy from the community centre, local cafes / businesses or the library, or you can read the current edition and back copies online here!

Do you live in, visit or love Newtown? Then you could contribute to the News! We send out a monthly email requesting content (could be articles, drawings, cartoons, quizzes) from our contributors, contact us if you’d like to be added to that list.

Use the left and right arrows at the bottom left to browse through the latest edition of Newtown News below. You can make it fill your screen by clicking the expand icon in the bottom-right corner.