Privacy Policy

Te Whare Hapori o ngā Puna Waiora / Newtown Community Centre Privacy Statement

We collect some data from our visitors and hirers, which we may use to contact you in relation to venue hire, our activities or other purposes related to the community centre’s mahi and activities.

We receive this data from in a number of ways – including by completing a form on this website, filling in an attendance form at one of our events, if you request to be added to our contact list, by completing a hire form with us, by making a donation or payment to us, or by you giving us your details when contacting us directly - in person or by phone or email. We may also use your information for our third party funders’ statistical purpose, but never in a way you will be personally identifiable.

You are welcome at any time to review or correct the data we hold  about you, or ask us to remove your data from our systems or mailing lists – contact us in the office, call 04 389 4786 or email to request this. All of our newsletters include an ‘unsubscribe’ option.

We will not pass your information on to a third party outside of those who have signed confidentiality agreement (e.g. data storage), unless you request us to do so – e.g. to make a referral to another organisation – or if it is required by law.

We use cookies to enhance our users’ experiences on our website. Cookies can be turned off in your web browser’s settings.

Updated May 2024