Nau mai, haere mai!

Welcome to Te Whare Hapori o Ngā Puna Waiora, Newtown Community Centre. We’re a vibrant community hub in the centre of Newtown. Want to hire a venue? Get involved in your community? Join a class? We can help you out – explore this website or come and say kia ora.

Looking for something specific?

Two people in front of the Newtown mural
Photo: Antonio Hernández

What we do

We’re a hub of community activity – check out our regular programmes, activities and community mahi here.

Computer help icon representing Smart Newtown

Smart Newtown

Smart Newtown provides free internet and computer training to people who may not have access to computers or the internet.

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Clock and arrows icon representing Wellington Timebank

Wellington Timebank

Time banking is the trading of skills within a community, using time rather than money.

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Tools icon representing Newtown Tool Library

Newtown Tool Library

The Newtown Tool Library is a lending library for tools of all kinds.

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Dishes icon representing Wash Against Waste

Wash Against Waste

Wash Against Waste is a resource containing cutlery, crockery & cloth napkins that can be hired for $5 by the public to reduce single-use products at events, thereby reducing waste to landfill. Save money and the earth. Win/win!

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Food icon representing Kai in the community

Kai in the community

Access to kai / food is essential to wellbeing. We can make referrals to local foodbanks, as well as having our own kai offerings.

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People icon representing other projects and services

Other projects & services

There's a range of other things we do, from running the Community Stage at the Newtown Festival to ad hoc events, as well as hosting the Newtown Citizens' Advice Bureau and access to Justice of the Peace services every weekday.

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He mihi nui ki ō mātou kaitautoko – a huge acknowledgement to our funders, without them our mahi would not be possible! We also gratefully receive regular or one-off donations from our community: you can contribute here.

A huge thanks to our generous funders!